Heart Alchemy

Intuitive Guidance and Healing

  When we allow what we hold in darkness to arrive into the light, and let it be met by acceptance and curiosity, it becomes power.  That is heart alchemy: lead into gold.

 Let’s explore the patterns, wounds and limiting beliefs that keep you playing small, and make space for your soul’s truest embodiment!


  • 1-1 weekly, biweekly or monthly sessions. 50 minute session: $120. Sliding scale option, please inquire as needed. All services listed below can be incorporated into these sessions as desired.

  • ThetaHealing™ is state-of-consciousness based energetic healing that is rooted in the belief of a loving Creator and the healing effects of unconditional, Divine love. ThetaHealing™ can provide emotional, psychological and physical healing. 50 minute session: $120.

  • The Akashic Records are sometimes referred to as the Book of Life - a record of all existence. An Akashic Records reading connects you to your soul’s highest purpose and journey, and provides compassionate guidance on your current human experience. 50 minute session: $120.

  • A mentorship opportunity that allows you to access my entire range of services at a set monthly fee.

About Me

My name is Juli Johnson, and I am so excited to connect with you as you explore your growth and healing! As a Licensed Professional Counselor, I see the need and opportunity for the blending of traditional therapeutic approaches with spiritual, energetic and intuitive tools and practices.  Due to licensure laws and regulations, I offer counseling services to those in Idaho as well as those who live internationally.  In order to connect with people everywhere and offer a wider range of services beyond traditional counseling, I created Heart Alchemy. Heart Alchemy services are geared towards those looking for insight, guidance and healing to support their active growth.


Contact Me

Let’s discuss which services are best for you!